Obs transition
Obs transition

With that said, every tool has its place, and the jump cut is a valid transition effect. Personally, I don’t use this one all that much, as I like that animated fade effect and stinger transitions that you can have instead. This is a perfect tool to utilize if you have something wrong with an element within the actively broadcasted scene that you want to minimize being visible. This will immediately swap the Program Window Scene with the Preview Window scene. There is a quick transition that you can add called Cut.

obs transition

Just check the hotkey guide if you run into trouble. Just remember to ensure that the key combination you use will not interfere with your active program. It should have a little checkmark to the left if it is enabled

  • Not visible? Left-Click on Docks in the top left menu bar.
  • Advertisements How to Turn on Studio Mode As a result, Studio Mode actually encourages best broadcasting practices by locking your program scene down. With that said, live edits to your overlays on an active scene aren’t advised, as it affects your audience’s perception of your ability to run your channel. Due to its functionality, you cannot edit the sources of the Program Window while Studio Mode is Active – It locks the scene down, only allowing you to modify the Preview Window. This window is what is being shown to your live broadcast or recording. The second screen, located on the right side, is called the Program Window. This left preview window is not visible to the stream but will show you what content that scene has. The first window on the left is called the Preview Window.

    obs transition

    While OBS Studio mode is active, there are two windows visible.

    Obs transition